Simple Views on Condensed Matter by Pierre-Gilles de Gennes

By Pierre-Gilles de Gennes

This quantity is a range of precious papers through P-G de Gennes — 1991 Nobel Prize winner in Physics — that have had an enduring influence on our realizing of condensed subject. very important rules on polymers, liquid crystals and interfaces are defined. the writer has extra a few afterthoughts to the most papers (explaining their successes or weaknesses), and a few present perspectives on every one specified challenge. The textual content is straightforward and simple to learn.

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We shall first tinmty in slope at T = 7\. The sign of this discontinuity d e r f v e t h e a m o u n t rf ^ b a g i m k ,, r i i d field wUl depend on the type of order above T, However, a ^ ^ n ( R F A ) w h e r e all ionic g i n s o t h e r t h a n our oversimplified model is not applicable to this g ^ S j a r e a s s u m e d t Q r e t a 5 n t h e k o r i g i n a l o r i e n t a . problem, and we are not able to make more detailed predictions as regards this point. \y _ \y \, L IV. LOCAL SPIN DISTORTIONS y ~ -^K<*X— "jf~ ^* 1.

This is to be contrasted suitable geometrical arrangement one can make the with the effects which are obtained with pure exchange, spin wave scattering very diffuse so that it will be when some adequate substitution simply changes the automatically subtracted with the background. The sign of one exchange integral, between (1) and (2). final requirement is that the neutron spectrometer In the latter case there is also a strongly inhomo- should be able to analyze an angular distribution corregeneous constraint applied to the spin system.

D e f i n e d e x c i t a t i o n s o f t h e n u c l e a r s p i n s y s t e m even at arativel h i h temperatures (~1°K), where the n u d e a r ^ are g , d i s o r dered. Section IV is c o n c e r n e d w i t h a d i s c u s s i o n of some effects of demagnetizing fields on the nuclear spin wave spectrum. In sPins ls lar8e g e c y n u d e a r trans w e d i s c u s s thfi effects of t h e f r e resonance signals for both y pulling o n steady state and ; e n t behavior, n_ M A C R O S C O p I C EQUATI0NS OF MOTION Ferromagnetic Case L e t u s first consider a saturated ferromagnetic material, of electronic magnetization M and nuclear magnetization m.

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