Manual of INTERNAL FIXATION: Techniques Recommended by the by Maurice E. Müller, Martin Allgöwer, Robert Schneider, Hans

By Maurice E. Müller, Martin Allgöwer, Robert Schneider, Hans Willenegger, S.M. Perren

Legends to the Slide sequence / Legenden zur Diaserie

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10) is expressed as 9 10 The other effect of force, acceleration, is not considered here. Stress is expressed as force per unit area N/m2 (- 1 kp/mm2 = 10 x 10 6 N/m2 = to MPa). Fig. 9 Large strain in small gaps. The deformation of the cells or tissues is critical. It depends not only upon the degree of displacement (b L) of the fragments (instability), but also (and more importantly) upon the initial width of the fracture gap (L). 1 mm) may result in very high strain (> 100%) of anyone individual tissue element, for example, the cell.

1) than in terms of stress. 1. Critical strain levels of repair tissues Elongation at rupture of different tissues Granulation tissue Dense fibrous tissue Cartilage Cancellous bone Lamellar bone 100% 20% 10% 2% 2% The values taken from Yamada and Evans 1970 show that critical elongation (at rupture) of lamellar bone is small. The value of parenchyma has been taken to replace the missing data for granulation tissue. When the load-bearing surface is large, the critical limit of load at fracture is best expressed as stress (stress equal to or smaller than strength).

The bone reaction may vary accordingly within the same fracture (Fig. 8c). The different types of healing are: 1. Internal remodeling or "contact healing" of overloaded contact areas. It is especially interesting to note that areas which have undergone local overload, but which remain Fig. 8 Different mechanical conditions and types of healing within the same fracture surface. a Different conditions within a fracture surface at different times of observation (tension band wiring of the olecranon, see p.

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